The birth of Amarill

It happened a little over 10 years ago. We spent the summer in Croatia in the Krka National Park. Every little thing in the park is stunning. In addition to being an eternal experience as a tourist, the park also fills the creative person with beauty. What you can pass on in your work. However, in addition to beauty, I also received specific inspiration. I owe this inspiration to the birth of my Amarill motif.

The park is not just for fans of nature to enjoy instant and unconditional admiration. It captivates lovers of history with equal ease. There are several old buildings in the area, which are individually suitable to impress. The most famous of thes are the Franciscan monastery and the Krka monastery, located on the island of Visovac in the middle of the Emerald Lake formed by the river Krka. We visited here one day. The monastery is really a huge experience. For those who are not left completely cold by the memories of the past, it is a boot list item. But that day it was not the monastery that had the biggest impact on me. It was the peacocks.

Several peacocks were walking in the garden of the monastery. I don't think they were tourists. What impressed me at first was their confidence. They didn’t bother themselves in the slightest, they showed no sign that they were afraid of people. On the contrary. Their behavior suggested that they were the protagonists and we humans were only just statisticians. It is a kind of easy superiority that does not turn into arrogance for a moment. I know I’m beautiful and I know you admire me - as if that’s what their message was about.

Then I saw a male peacock. He had a beautiful tail feather. It shone so much that the rays of the sun tried in vain to catch on, they simply bounced off. And then suddenly something happened. I’ve no longer seen the peacock's feathers, but the jewelry. Necklace, bracelet, earrings. I knew I had to pass on this experience. Then and there, at that moment, I didn’t even know I was going to call her Amarill. But this is how the motif and the associated world of colour were born.

When I make jewelry, I always work with a sense of purpose. I don’t dedicate them to a specific person, but I have a feeling about who that particular piece of jewelry will be addressed to. Amarill is made for sensual women. These types of women have such an intense presence that they often enchant their environment with it. This intensity is their secret. The brilliance of their beauty is actually the beauty of their brilliance. They are characterized by the same calm confidence that peacocks had in the monastery garden.

Sometimes I like to think of my jewelry as if it were all mirrors. When you try one of them, it’s like you look inside. And the jewelry will show if you are the type it was made for. When jewelry and its wearer find each other, it is unmistakable. At that point, they both almost start to shine. Just like a peacock feather in the sunshine.